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Bextram GOLD (30)

360.00৳ Box (30 Pcs)
  • Bextram Gold is a comprehensive daily nutritional supplement designed to prevent and treat vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
  • Packed with 32 essential nutrients including vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B-complex vitamins, and key minerals, it supports overall health and vitality.
  • Ideal for addressing increased nutrient demands during physical stress, chronic illnesses, pregnancy, lactation, and more, Bextram Gold promotes active living and well-being.
  • It is formulated to be well-tolerated, with precautions advised for long-term high vitamin A intake in certain groups.

Magnide 365

50.00৳ Strip
  • Magnide: A comprehensive mineral supplement addressing diverse health concerns
  • Relieves symptoms of magnesium deficiency
  • Manages cardiovascular irregularities, muscle spasms, and gynecological issues related to pregnancy
  • Essential for over 600 cellular reactions, supporting bone health, brain function, and muscle performance
  • Well-tolerated formulation ensures efficacy and safety for optimal health maintenance