Showing 1–12 of 13 results

Atova EZ 10/10

210.00৳ Strip
  • Atova EZ is used to manage high cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular risk.
  • It lowers elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglycerides, and increases HDL-C.
  • Suitable for patients with primary hyperlipidemia and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
  • Combines two mechanisms: inhibiting liver cholesterol synthesis and blocking intestinal cholesterol absorption.

Atova EZ 20/10

330.00৳ Strip
  • Atova EZ is used to manage high cholesterol and reduce cardiovascular risk.
  • It lowers elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C, and triglycerides, and increases HDL-C.
  • Suitable for patients with primary hyperlipidemia and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia.
  • Combines two mechanisms: inhibiting liver cholesterol synthesis and blocking intestinal cholesterol absorption.

Emjard 10

250.00৳ Strip
  • Emjard, an SGLT-2 inhibitor, empowers glycemic control and reduces cardiovascular risks in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Its mechanism involves inhibiting renal glucose reabsorption, resulting in enhanced glucose excretion.
  • Administered once daily, Emjard offers convenience and efficacy in managing diabetes.
  • Caution is advised in patients with renal impairment, and regular monitoring ensures optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Ripril 2.5

50.00৳ Strip
  • Ripril, an ACE inhibitor, effectively manages hypertension, heart failure, and reduces cardiovascular risk.
  • By inhibiting angiotensin II production, it lowers blood pressure, preventing vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion.
  • Customizable dosages and well-tolerated administration make it suitable for long-term therapy.
  • Expert guidance ensures optimal patient care, with dosage adjustments and potential interaction monitoring.

Ripril 5

80.00৳ Strip
  • Ripril, an ACE inhibitor, effectively manages hypertension, heart failure, and reduces cardiovascular risk.
  • By inhibiting angiotensin II production, it lowers blood pressure, preventing vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion.
  • Customizable dosages and well-tolerated administration make it suitable for long-term therapy.
  • Expert guidance ensures optimal patient care, with dosage adjustments and potential interaction monitoring.

Rosutin 10

330.00৳ Strip
  • Rosutin is a statin medication used to:
    • Manage primary and mixed dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and familial hypercholesterolemia.
    • Lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol.
    • Support cardiovascular risk reduction.
    • Be suitable for pediatric use in specific cases.
  • Regular monitoring is recommended for optimal efficacy and safety.

Rosutin 20

480.00৳ Strip
  • Rosutin is a statin medication used to:
    • Manage primary and mixed dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and familial hypercholesterolemia.
    • Lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol.
    • Support cardiovascular risk reduction.
    • Be suitable for pediatric use in specific cases.
  • Regular monitoring is recommended for optimal efficacy and safety.

Rosutin 5

180.00৳ Strip
  • Rosutin is a statin medication used to:
    • Manage primary and mixed dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and familial hypercholesterolemia.
    • Lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL cholesterol.
    • Support cardiovascular risk reduction.
    • Be suitable for pediatric use in specific cases.
  • Regular monitoring is recommended for optimal efficacy and safety.

Telma 40

125.00৳ Strip
  • Treats essential hypertension and reduces cardiovascular risk in adults.
  • Angiotensin-II receptor blocker preventing vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion.
  • Start with 40 mg daily; adjust as needed, with effects seen within 4 weeks.
  • Follow prescribed dosage and guidelines for optimal results.

Telma 80

200.00৳ Strip
  • Treats essential hypertension and reduces cardiovascular risk in adults.
  • Angiotensin-II receptor blocker preventing vasoconstriction and aldosterone secretion.
  • Start with 40 mg daily; adjust as needed, with effects seen within 4 weeks.
  • Follow prescribed dosage and guidelines for optimal results.

Telmacal 10/80

240.00৳ Strip
  • Telma is a combined antihypertensive medication for managing essential hypertension and reducing cardiovascular risk.
  • A fixed-dose combination of Telmisartan (an angiotensin II receptor blocker) and Amlodipine (a calcium-channel blocker).
  • Lowers blood pressure by preventing vasoconstriction and reducing peripheral vascular resistance.
  • Effective for both initial and add-on therapy when multiple medications are required to achieve blood pressure goals.

Telmacal 5/80

200.00৳ Strip
  • Telma is a combined antihypertensive medication for managing essential hypertension and reducing cardiovascular risk.
  • A fixed-dose combination of Telmisartan (an angiotensin II receptor blocker) and Amlodipine (a calcium-channel blocker).
  • Lowers blood pressure by preventing vasoconstriction and reducing peripheral vascular resistance.
  • Effective for both initial and add-on therapy when multiple medications are required to achieve blood pressure goals.